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Please meet our Senior Pastors of True Life Ministries International Inc.

 Dr. David G. Moore Ph.D. Theology
Rev. Carrie Moore Bachelors Theology

Picture of Pastors

Service Times 

Victory Service Sundays: 10: 00 a.m.

Sundays Evenings: 6:00 p.m.

Hour of PowerWednesday 7:00 p.m.

Friday Night Prayer: 7:00 p.m.

God Bless You! 


Teaching of the Month

Picture of Orphans

True Life Ministries International Inc. 

Kpalime, Togo, West Africa

We have three Churches and an Orphanage under our covering in Kpalime, Kasoundto, Alamea, Togo, West Africa.

More information coming soon. Please be patient. God bless and Thank you.


True Life House

True Life House is a transitional housing facility to assist inmates after release from prison to make the transition back into mainstream society. We are currently housing 14 men. We are currently under construction. Please check back on updates to when vacancies are available. 

Thank You and God bless you!



In today's society, men and women who have committed sexual sin and have paid their debt to society and have truly repented of their sin to God are shamed, shunned, and shoved to the bottom of society and told, "We do not want you." Also, we must not solely look at the sex offender, but also those who have been victimized by the offender. Trusting in the Lord and being led by the Holy Spirit, the Lord will, if allowed to, bring complete healing and restoration to all who have been offended against and the offender as well. God is a God of forgiveness and restoration so why shouldn't we. 

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Genesis One Network

As Christians, as believers when the time comes for our judgment, will we be on our knees before the Lord, and we will be giving an account of ourselves to God. "So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way" (Rom. 14:11-12). Answer this question to yourself, "Are you ready to give account to God? "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment" (Matt. 12:36) Genesis One (G-1) hosts Bible based accountability groups for men and women. These groups are confidential safe places to share and receive healing from God.


New Life Behaviors

Click Here to find out more about New Life Behaviors

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